Edge Effect LLC
Educate. Design. Garden. Enjoy.

In nature, the zone where two ecotypes meet displays greater species diversity than within either ecotype's interior. This dynamic is the "Edge Effect."
The residential landscape is the "edge" where our human habitat meets the wider world of nature around us.
If we cultivate our landscapes to be ecologically rich and species diverse, we, too, will benefit from this effect.
Sustainable Landcare practices ensure that future generations of all species have the world they need to thrive.
To discuss how Edge Effect can help you with your own patch of ecosystem, please contact us.

Get in Touch
If you have a specific project already in mind, give us the details for a free estimate.
If you've got a general idea, but want help coming up with specifics, tell us about it and get scheduled for an On Site Consultation.

Our Services
On Site Consultation
Gardening Skills Training
Educational Talks
Native-Focused Naturalistic Landscape Design,
Wildlife Habitat Enhancement
Pruning of Trees & Shrubs (up to 30' tall)
Invasive Species Removal
Ecological Seasonal Maintenance
Landscape Installation / Renovation
Flagstone Patios & Walks
Dry-Stacked Stone Walls
Rock Gardens
Dry Creek Beds

Why Choose Edge Effect?
We always keep the health of our planet in mind. There's no good reason that human flourishing must come at the expense of other life forms.
Far from being a sacrifice, Ecological Landscaping opens the door to a far richer, more diverse, and soul-fulfilling experience of being part of Nature.
Driven by a Love of the Natural World
Guided by Permaculture Principles
Committed to Ecological Practices
Enriched by Lifelong Learning